To lay down the procedure for automatic basket mill operation. AndÂ
2.1 This
procedure applies to Quality Control Department.
QC chemists to prepare and follow the SOP.
3.2 Head – QA & QC for implementation of SOP.Â
4.0 Procedure of Basket Mill Operation
4.1 Switch on the
MCP 3 phase line and main switch.
4.2 Put the premix into the Desperate disperser.
4.3 Grind the premix for 4-5 hours. and check from the Hageman Gauge the
particle size i.e. 2 microns.
4.4Â If the
particle size is not reached then further grind the pre-mix till the particle
size becomes less than 2-micron check particle size from the Hageman
Gauge after intervals of time.
4.5 Maintain a
temperature of not more than 30° C. If the temperature increases by more than
30° C then start cooling by the circulation of cool water through the double-walled
basket milling system.
4.6 After
completing your pre-dispersion, the dissolver shaft can be replaced by the
basket mill without the need for any tools.
4.7  Carefully draw pigment film on the drawdown paper with the help of DRAWDOWN BAR COATER.
4.8Â Now take
the dEand
Strength reading in UV
Visible Spectrophotometer Premier Color Scan Model No.-SS 5100AÂ and
compare the strength with each other.
4.9Â Â Place the film on the drawdown paper in a folder, label the
folder, and store it in a clean, dry place.
4.10Â Now
switch off the MCPÂ 3 phase line and main switch.
           SOP:           Standard
Operating Procedure
            QA:           Quality
            QC:           Quality
1.0Â Â REFERENCE:Â Internal