These testing Methods of are include testing methods Casein Protein Powder, Solubility, Ash, Fat content, and Insoluble Matter.
Casein Solubility
a). Chemical Weighing Balance.
b). Stirrer with Regulator.
c). Glass Beaker.
d). Thermometer.
e). Glass Plate.
f). Separating Funnel.
g). Thermostatically controlled heating mantel.
How to make casein protein with curds at home?
a). Casein - 15.0
b). Borax - 3.0
c). Canguard BIT - 0.4
d). DM Water - 81.6
3. Procedure of Casein Solubility
a). Weigh accurately the required quantity of DM water in a glass beaker.
b). Add casein powder in it gradually under stirring and start heating.
c). Add borax at 50ºC and increase temperature up to 80ºC and maintain for 2hours.
d). After 2 hours take out the sample on a glass plate and check the dispersion, if found OK, and then cool it.
e). Add Canguard below 40ºC drain it and kept for aging.
f). Check the insoluble by diluting with 4 times water & keep the solution in a separating funnel for overnight.
g). Next day check following______ If insoluble’s are there they will settle calculate the % insoluble’s must be in range.
h.) Compare it with control.
Ash and acid-insoluble ash
Recommended Testing Procedures of Acid Insoluble Ash.
Acid-insoluble ash
Boil the ash for 5 minutes with 25 mL of hydrochloric acid (70 g/l) TS; collect the insoluble matter in a sintered crucible, or on an ash-less filter paper, wash with hot water, and ignite at about 500 °C to constant weight. Calculate the content in mg of acid insoluble. ash per g of air-dried material.
a) Analytical Balance-0.1g accuracy.
b) Muffle furnace capable of being controlled at 825+25 ºC.
c) Desiccator containing an effective desiccant.
a) Weigh accurately 3g casein in a previously dried and cooled silica dish.
b) Transfer the dish to a muffle furnace maintained at825+25 ºC for 3 hrs.
c) Cool in a desiccator.
d) Repeat the process of drying cooling and weighing at 30 min. interval until the difference between two consecutive weighings is less than 1.0mg.
Ash content of casein (%) = (W1-W) x 100
W1- Weight in g of crucible containing Ash.
W2- Weight in g of crucible with the dried material taken for the test.
W- Weight in g of crucible.
Acid Casein Composition.
Ash % 3.8 3.6
Lactose, % 0.1 .0.1
Sodium, % 1.2-1.4 <0.1
Fat% 1.1 1.2
Fat Content in Casein
a) Mojonnier tube
b) Water bath (01 to 120 ºC)
c) Measuring Cylinder (5 ml to 25ml)
d) Pipettes (graduated of capacity 10ml).
e) Separating funnel
a) Hydrochloric Acid-(AR) Dilute 675ml of concentrated Hydrochloric Acid (1.18 gm/ml, to 1000ml with water.)
b) Ethanol (99.9X)
c) Diethyl ether (AR)-Free from Peroxides
d) Light Petroleum- ether (Boiling range between 30 and 60 ºC)
a) Take 4gm casein into Mojonnier tube.
b) Add 20 ml of diluted HCL and mix. Well.
c) Heat it in a water bath to 100 ºC to dissolve the casein content completely.
d) Cool it to below 20 ºC with running water.
e)Add 20ml of Ethyl Alcohol and add 40ml Diethyl ether, Shake it vigorously for 30 sec.
f) Add 40ml Petroleum ether again, and put the stopper on the Mojonnier tube, shake it for 10 min.
g) Leave it until the content is completely separated. Transfer the supernatant into pre pre-weighted dry flask.
h) Make extraction 3 times by repeating the above procedure using ether and light petroleum.( By the help of separating funnel )
i) The composite extract is dried in a water bath in the flask.
j) The flask is to be dried at 100 ºC in an oven for one hour then transfer the flask into a desiccator for cooling and then weight it.
Fat % by weight = (A-B)x 100/W
Weight of sample taken
A = Weight of the flask with fat
B = Weight of the empty flask