Chemical Oxygen Demand Determination Procedure | Determination COD of Wastewater

The determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of wastewater involves a standardized procedure to measure the amount of organic and oxidizable inorganic substances in the water.

First of all, we check the Appearance, Smell & pH of the sample water. Chemical Oxygen Demand (C.O.D.), methods for the determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand (C.O.D.) water and wastewater by titration.

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Reagent Preparation for COD

I. Standard Potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) Solution:- (0.0417M or 0.25N)

A) Dilute Primary standard grade 12.259gms K2Cr2O7.H2O (dry at 120C for 2 hours) in 1000 ml of Distilled water and mix properly.

B) Dilute 6.1295gms K2Cr2O7.H2O (dry at 120C for 2 hours) in 500 ml of Distilled water and mix properly.

Standardization:- Take a 250ml conical flask. Add 25ml above potassium dichromate solution. Now add 2gm of Potassium iodide (KI) and 100ml of distilled water. Now add 5ml Conc. HCl slowly and allow to stand for 10 min.

Titrate the liberated iodine with 0.25M Sodium Thiosulphate. Add 3ml of Starch solution as an Indicator.

Normality of Potassium dichromate = Vol. of thiosulphate(ml) x Normality thiosulphate/Vol. of Pot. dichromate

Read more

What is Moisture Content Analysis

Determination of the odor of a material

Sulphuric acid (H2SO4) Reagent Preparation 

A) Take 10 gms of silver sulfate and add this to 1000ml of Conc.H2SOand keep for 1-2 days for complete dissolution.

B) Take 5 grams of silver sulfate and add this to 500 ml of Conc. H2SOand keep for 1-2 days for complete dissolution.

Ferroin Indicator Solution Preparation 

Take 1.485gms of 1,10–phenanthroline monohydrate and 0.695gms of Ferrous sulfate (FeSO4.7H2O). Add in 100ml distilled water and shake well to dissolve it properly.

 0.1N Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate Solution (FAS) [Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2.6H2O]

A) Take 39 grams of Ferrous Ammonium sulfate and add it to 1000ml distilled water. Now add 20ml of Conc. H2SO4 slowly & Cool.

B) Take 19.5 gms of Ferrous Ammonium sulfate and add it to 500ml distilled water. Now add 10ml of Conc. H2SO4 slowly & Cool.

Standardization: - Take 250ml of the conical flask. Add 10ml of standard Potassium dichromate solution and 90ml of D/M water or distilled water. Now add 30ml of conc. H2SO4 and Cool. Add 2 drops of Ferroin indicator and titrate with Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate (FAS).

End Point: - Orange →Green →Reddish Brown

Titration for this: - (In Short)

1) In Burette: -FAS

2) In a 250ml Conical flask

10ml K2Cr2O7solution


90ml D/M water


30ml Conc.H2S04


2-4 Drops of Ferroin indicator


Reading (Reading is near about 15+1)

Molarity of FAS = Vol. of dichromate(ml) x Normality of dichromate

                                                                   Vol. of FAS

For Example: - In this End Point =16.5

                           Vol. of K2Cr2O=10 ml

Normality of K2Cr2O= 0.25

M = 10 x 0.2 (FAS Consumed = 16.5)

16.5 =   2.5       

16.5 = 0.1515

0.1N Sodium Thiosulphate Solution: - Dissolve 25gms of Sodium Thiosulphate in 1 liter of freshly boiled distilled water.

● Improve its stability by adding 0.1 gms of Na2CO3.

● Store in a clean glass bottle in a dark place.

Chemical Oxygen Demand Determination Procedure | Determination COD of Wastewater

Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand of Wastewater 

A) Potassium Permanganate Consumption Method

A rough estimate of organic matter may be made using the fact that when potassium permanganate is reduced by Sulphuric acid, the oxygen liberated oxidizes the organic material.

2KMnSO4 + 3H2SO4 → 2MnSO4 + K2SO4 + 3H2O + 5(O)

The amount of potassium permanganate consumed for the oxidation of organic matter can be calculated by the disappearance of a violet color.


1) Dilute Sulphuric Acid (H2SO4) –Mix one part of concentrated acid with three parts of Distilled water.

2) N solution of Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) –Dilute 103.161 gms KMnOin 1 liter of distilled water.

Chemical Oxygen Demand Procedure

Take 10 ml of the water sample in a test tube. Add 5 drops of dilute H2SO4 and 3 drops of N/10 solution of Potassium Permanganate. Mix well by shaking. Allow this to stand for 6 min. Heat carefully to boiling while heating to avoid spattering while the liquid boils.

Interpretation of Results

1) Decolorization of 5 drops of Potassium Permanganate, after standing for 5 min. without heating. Potassium Permanganate consumption above 50 mg/L. A high level of organic matter is indicated.

2) Decolorization of 3 drops of Potassium Permanganate, after standing for 5 min. without heating. Potassium Permanganate consumption 30-50 mg/L. A moderate amount of organic matter is present.

3) Decolourisation of Potassium Permanganate only after boiling. Potassium Permanganate consumption 20-30 mg/L. Only a small amount of organic matter is expected to be present.

4) No decolorization even after boiling. Potassium Permanganate consumption below 12 mg/L. Organic matter present is very little or negligible.

(B) Potassium Dichromate Method (W.B.P.C. B’s method)

The Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) test determines the oxygen required for the chemical oxidation of organic matter with the help of a strong chemical oxidant. The test can be employed for the same purpose as the BOD test-taking into account its limitations.

The intrinsic limitation of the test lies in its inability to differentiate between biologically oxidizable and biologically inert material.

COD determination has an advantage over BOD determination. Because in COD the result can be obtained in about 5 hours as compared to BOD in which the results are obtained in 5 days. Further, the COD test is relatively easy gives reproducible results, and is not affected by interferences as the BOD test. BOD Value is not more than 30 PPM.

Methods for the determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand (C.O.D.)

Principle of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

The organic matter gets oxidized completely by K2Cr2O7 in the presence of H2SO4 to produce CO2 + H2O. The excess K2Cr2Oremaining after the reaction is titrated with Fe (NH4)2(SO4)2.

The dichromate consumed gives the O2 required for the oxidation of organic matter.


Fatty acids, straight-chain aliphatic compounds, chlorides, nitrates, and iron are the main interfering radicals.

The interference caused by chlorides can be eliminated by the addition of HgSO4 to the sample before the addition of other reagents. About 0.4g of HgSOis adequate to complex 40mg Chloride­­ ions in the form of poorly ionized HgCl2. Addition of Ag2SO4 to conc. H2SO4 as a catalyst stimulates the oxidation of straight-chain aliphatic and aromatic compounds.

NO2 exerts a COD of 1.14 mg/mg NO2. Sulphuric acid in the amount of 10 mg/mg NO2 may be added to the K2Cr2O7 solution to avoid interference caused by NO2.

For complete oxidation of organic matter, it is necessary to see that equal volumes of sulphuric acid, sample, and dichromate are taken.


  • Heating metals.
  • Two round bottom flasks.
  • Two condensers.
  • Pipettes.
  • Burette.
  • Measuring Cylinders.


(i) K2Cr2O7 Solution (0.0417 M)/ (0.25 N) 

(ii) H2SOReagent

(iii) FAS Solution i.e., Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate (0.25 N)

(iv) Sodium Thiosulphate (0.25N)

(v) Ferroin Indicator

(vi) Mercuric Sulphate

(vii) Silver Sulphate


Take two conical flasks A for the sample and B for the blank.

(A) Sample

0.40gms Mercuric Sulphate


0.02gms Silver Sulphate


2ml Sample + 18ml Distilled Water


30ml H2SO4 Reagent


10ml K2Cr2O7 Reagent


Heating for 2 hrs


5 mins cooling


Add 70ml Distilled Water


Cooling for half an hour


Titration with FAS Solution by adding 2-3 drops of Ferroin indicator. Note down the Reading

(B) Blank Sample

0.40gms Mercuric Sulphate


0.02gms Silver Sulphate


20ml Distilled Water


30ml H2SO4 Reagent


10ml K2Cr 2O7 Reagent


Heating for 2 hrs


5 mins cooling


Add 70ml Distilled Water


Cooling for half an hour


Titration with FAS Solution by adding 2-3 drops of Ferroin indicator. note down reading.

Calculations of COD(mgO2) = ( B-A ) x M x 8000

                                                         ml of Sample


(COD is always in PPM)

A → FAS used for Sample

B → FAS used for Blank solution

M → Molarity of FAS

(In Burette FAS Solution)

End Point: - Orange colorLight GreenGreenBluish GreenReddish Brown

NOTE:- Generally a freshwater COD capacity is under 250PPM.

If this capacity is more than 250 PPM i.e., water is polluted, it means Organic & Inorganic contents are more than freshwater.

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