Duties and Responsibilities of QA/QC Inspector

The QA/QC engineer's duties responsibilities and functions of the QA/QC department. or Duties and responsibilities of QA QC inspector

Testing & Confirmation of all Raw Materials & Packing materials.

Testings & Confirmation of all Finished Goods, Intermediates & Sale returns.

Testing & Decision on approving for new RM supplier selection.

Reports, Records, counter & Control samples as per IMS.

Redressal of complaints after analysis of counter sample & all possible causes with concerned departments.

Training for improving the testing capabilities & versatilities and Capex for modification & improving the testing facilities, daily calibration of QC equipment.

Coordinating with R&D for any deviated production batches & their liquidation.

Coordinating with the Purchase department for any deviated raw material supplies & on supplier substitution.

Coordinating & communicating with all production departments & application facilities for respective results & adjustments in production batches.

 Evolving new testing procedures for strengthening & upgrading the testing facility.

Internal / External audits with respect to IMS & MIS to all concerns.

 Monitoring of day-to-day base customer requirements related to REACH, RSL,  VOC, OKOTEX, MSDS, TDS, SGS, COA & Other External Laboratory  Reports.

Involvement in CACA of Internal Deviations with all concerns.

Correction, Collection & monitoring of production BMRs, SOP’s & Methods.

Testing of Raw Materials as per the defined standards & confirmation to Purchase & Store departments.

Replacement of R.M. counters & Control samples as per the defined schedule.

Standard reagents preparation for testing.

A sampling of raw material as per IMS norms.

Testing of Sale- return material & confirmation to all concerns.

Documentation work related to raw materials and Sale Returns as per IMS.

Operating of S.T.P. plant regularly.

Testing of E.T.P. & S.T.P. samples as per schedule.

Internal communication with store & Purchase departments for respective Results & Test Reports.

Testing of New Supplier Selection samples for Substitution of RM & Confirmation to Purchase.

Involving in New testing implementation with Manager QC & Manager R&D.

Co-relate the Existing Testing method with the ASTM Method.

Maintaining 5S and Housekeeping daily.

Monitoring of Sale Return liquidation & proper storage concerning quality.

Involving in new testing implementation with Manager QC / Manager R&D.

Preparation and correction of Standards of RM and FG, Method of Testing of RM and FG, and application also.

Testing of both R.M. and F.G. products in the absence of both the Executive.

Involvement in Liquidation of Deviated FG batches and Sale Return.

QA/QC engineer duties and responsibilities


 MR (ISO’s / IMS)

Coordination & Communication with the Certification body regarding Audit Schedule, Audit Plan, and Quotation & Certification.

Conducting Internal & External Audits & Closer of Non-Conformists (NC).

IMS manual, Risk Assessment, Management Program, Management Review Meeting, Organization Knowledge, On-site emergency Plan, Rule & Regulation Register, Work Instruction, Master list, Int. & Ext. Communication.

To get the external calibration of equipment as per their respective time schedule.


PCB Data preparation & submission (Hard & Soft) to the office and head office as per the schedule.

Environmental testing on various points like Nose-Level, Lux-Level, Drinking Water, Ambient Air Quality, Stack Emission, Work-zone area, etc as per schedule.

Communication, coordination & follow-up regarding PCB Consent & Authorization.

Quarterly return & Record maintenance for the Narcotics department regarding some specific reagents.


Identification of Key focus areas to reducing the Process- Waste, Monitoring & Maintaining of “Hazardous Waste Data “& Hazardous waste disposal to SSWML as per the PCB norms.

Monitoring Performance and results of ETP & STP plants and related Compliances.

Coordination & communication with external Bodies like SSWML, CETP etc.


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