Internal and External Communication System

Internal communication between relevant levels and functions within the organization, to receive, document, and respond to relevant information and requests from – interested parties both internal and external. 

To have a documented system for employee & contractor participation and consultation on OH&S matters. and organizational communication


Applicable to communications regarding EH&S issues internally and externally between XYZ Company, and interested parties (internal and external).


The overall responsibility for establishing, documenting, and updating the system lies with the SHE Coordinator. The responsibility for implementing the system lies with the SHE Coordinator and Unit Head.

Types of communication skills


Inward External communication related to the environment, health, and safety is of the following types:

Complaints related to the environment, health, and safety

Specific communication from interested parties

Communication from statutory/regulatory bodies

Legal notice from the court and other agencies

Information requests/ demands for information on emergency planning and other relevant issues by public authorities.

 All communication related to EHSMS including telephone calls is directed/received by the HR Admin Executive and assessed by the Unit Head.

Communication in a letter or fax form is filed in respective files and routed to the concerned person for appropriate action.


Actions to be taken on the outward communication are deliberated and discussed with concerned personnel.

Outward external communication may be of the following types: -

Response to complaints regarding the environment, health, and safety

Response to specific communication from interested parties

Communication with public authorities regarding emergency planning and other relevant issues;

Communication/ submission of reports to statutory bodies

Speaking in seminars/ public functions/ interviews in various media where communication is done regarding actions towards EHSMS initiatives by XYZ Company.

Participation in neighborhood schemes

Communication, Participation and Consultation

All external communication concerning legal requirements is received by the HR Admin Executive and reviewed by the Unit Head, before despatch to the concerned party          


Internal communication is made/done for promoting awareness of EHSMS good practices, EHSMS news, regulatory changes, Achievements of EHS objectives and targets, change/s in safety practices, and EHSMS Incidents (s). This communication is done to personnel at XYZ Company.

Besides this Internal communication on the following is done to Corporate SHE and Xyz.

Corporate Safety and Environment

Monthly returns on accident statistics and Environment Performance

Intimation in case of any LTA, High-risk incident along with the investigation reports.

Communication of any issues faced by the site on SHE matters.

XYZ Company

Annual Environment Performance Report through Corporate Safety and Environment Group

Applications for XYZ Safety Awards

Internal communication is done by at least one of the following means as appropriate: -


Memo/notices / circulars/e-mails


In-house Magazines

Training/ seminars

Participation & Consultation with employees on occupational health and safety matters

Employees are involved in the process of Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment. Employee representatives are involved in the development and review of policies and procedures to manage occupational health and safety risks. This is done via their involvement in the dept. safety committee meeting. Concerned and relevant employees are consulted and involved during any incident investigation.

Feedback from employees or contractors is taken in case of changes that affect workplace health and safety. Employee health and safety representatives are consulted for this purpose. 

>Procedure of monitoring and measurement 

>Investigating incidents and non-conformance


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