This SOP provides the details of scrap classification and addition in soap batches of different variants. The plant team must focus on continuous improvements so that the generation of scrap is minimized by the use of technology, prevention, training, and awareness.
All employees of the batch manufacturing section, stamping and wrapping/packing stations operatives, shift in-charges, Lab In-charge, production in-charge, and local company team
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SOP adherence: All QA personnel and the soap manufacturing team are responsible for adherence to the procedures recommended in this document SOP at a place of work.
Scrap Classification
Flashes generated post-stamping and bar rejections after stamping due to defects against IPQC parameters or bar rejections before wrapping are to be used as A-type online.
Line de-wrapping is preferably to be done to get the cake this might get generated due to wrapping defects on AQL parameters or due to Machine settings. COMPANY QA will keep monitoring the process and keep control of the activity.
B Type Scrap
Wrapped Stock needs to be de-wrapped online into clean plastic buckets & the manufacturing supervisor will ensure that the naked cake after de-wrapping is free from any foreign material. This will be also used as online recycling.
Scrap generated during machine cleaning, breakdown, maintenance, etc needs to be properly bagged and to be used as B-type post-COMPANYQA clearance.
All this needs to be used as online recycles as B types to Duplex plodder recycle system.
Ensure no plastic wrapper goes to the plodder.
All the IPQC/KPI rejected wrapped scrap which is stored for future addition needs to be verified for fitness and the record shall be kept.
Segregation needs to be done in a manner where light is optimum and visibility is clear. The table always is used for doing this activity and it needs to be free from any contamination.
Log or record shall be maintained of generation, verification for to be used, and reconciliation system in place.
Manufacturing will ensure that all the B types are segregated and is used with proper documentation in batch cards. It is the responsibility of manufacturing to keep records of the scrap classified with the help of COMPANY QA.
All scrap bags should be tagged for their type (QC Passed with sign) to be placed in a particular place (Separate place for B type & C type scrap (lock and key COMPANY) and then a separate place for segregated scrap) with their identity. COMPANY QA will keep control over practices and will enforce good practices.
All the B-type and to-be segregated scraps need to be stored in good condition and GMP must be ensured. Record B-type scrap as per Annexure-I.
Shelf life of reworked material
The maximum shelf life of Type B rework material if open should be not more than 60 days and if wrapped not more than 60 months from the date of manufacturing. Concessional approval is required to reprocess soap beyond a 1-month shelf life basis the risk associated with it.
C Type Scrap
Floor sweepings, noodles sweepages, soap fell on dirty conditions, machines cleaning, contaminated soap, sieve cleaning leftovers, fallen on the floor from collection trays, etc.
Any other contaminated, trialed, or rejected soap will also be treated as C-type.
The scrap bags should be clearly tagged with rejected REG tags on bags and properly tied.
Rejected scrap bags
with red Tag (C type) must move from the plant to their particular area
under lock & key provision with COMPANY on the same day of generation.
Daily Opening & Closing stock of the flooring scrap should be maintained by the manufacturing team and subsequently cross-checked & signed by the COMPANY QA person during a shift. Record C-type scrap.
Reconciliations at Month-End
The lock & key system should be under the control of the COMPANY person. Factory finance will request COMPANYQA to hand over whatever quantity as per records is available for sale.
Factory finance must ensure that this C-type scrap should be sold out every month from the plant. Tags on each bag must be checked for C type.
Proper records and reconciliation shall be kept for reviews of this C-type disposal.
Scrap Addition
Before adding the scrap to the Double Sigma Mixer check for the following
Before addition, the supervisor must ensure that only green-tagged bags with signs are lifted to the top floor for usage. The tag on the bag will be verified by the manufacturing team during WIP.
The condition of the bag needs to be checked always, and it should not be dirty. The weight balance is calibrated for scrap weight.
Transfer scrap to clean PP buckets for weighing.
The weight of the scrap should not be more than 5% of the Batch size.
The hardness of the scrap ( add the scraps if they are above 8 % LOD)
If the
soap is physically appearing harder, then check LOD (Moisture) before addition.
If the LOD of the scrap is less than 8 %.
Check the LOD of the composite samples of the scrap.
Weigh about 300 kg of the scrap and put these into the DSM.
Add the measured quantity of water to the scrap to maintain the moisture at 12 percent Mix properly to get a lump.
Allow these to pass through the refiner (0.5 mm mesh)
The billets should be collected into the Bags and properly closed.
Add the cut billets of the scrap immediately into the DSM with the new batch at a 5 % basis.
Training & Audits
People on the shop floor must be given regular training on a minimal generation of C-type machines, and conveyors must be kept in design/conditions to minimize C-type scrap generation COMPANY QA in partnership with co-pack will do regular audits for the practices and regularly highlight non-compliances for controls.
This SOP shall be reviewed every two years for refining the system and shall be updated as per the latest standards requirements such as FDAÂ