There are many parts in all instruments, which work to convert them into circuits according to the prescribed variable amount, it can be classified in four ways. An instrument can have the following written functions.
1. Primary Element
It is that part of the instrument that first comes in contact with the measured medium receives energy from it and converts it into measurable units.
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For example, Its bulb acts as the primary element in the thermometer. It takes energy from matter and displays it in the form of displacement of fluid.
2. Second Element
The secondary element converts the energy received by the primary element into a measurable unit of the instrument. That is, it converts the condition generated by the primary element into a condition useful for the function of the instrument. As the spring converts the primary energy of a fluid into the displacement of the link.
3. Manipulation Element
This part gives work to the condition generated by the secondary element like com in the pressure spring.
4. Function Element
The function element displays simple transmission, signaling, Registering, indicating, and reading. For example, pointer and scale work functionally in a thermometer.
Functions of the Instrument
Any instrument can have the following five types of functions. Live can be represented in the following way.
1. Transmitting
Transmitting instruments are used to send information from one place to another. They move the measured quantity from one place to another. The value of measured quantity can never be known because it is used for many other purposes, its simple example is a telephone.
2. Signalling
Signaling instruments are used to guide some amount within the industry, with the instruments connected to the signaling contact. which are meant for a certain value on the scale of the instrument, when the narrow needle reads under a certain value, the indicating contacts touch each other or separate so that automatically an alarm sounds or light appears rings in signal is received.
3. Registering
In this, the instrument indicates the value of some quantities in the form of squares or different increments only in the form of symbols. Register the cash register and certain water meters in credential quantities.
4. Indicating
In this, the instrument is connected to many types of calibrated scales and pointers. The value of the zodiac can be read by the human eye within the readings of the device to several degrees.
5. Recording
In this case, the amount measured by the instrument is recorded continuously with the help of pen and ink along with any other variable amount, in which graph paper is used whose speed can be controlled. A recording instrument is used where the values of more than one quantity are to be recorded.
Indicating Instruments
Indicative instruments are used when only the present value of a variable quantity is to be measured and there is no effect of post records. There are mainly three types of indicator scales used. These are as follows.
1. Eccentric Scale Type
Eccentric scales are mainly used in mechanical instruments such as pressure thermometers, flow meters, or pressure gauges. Usually, the scale length is around 8 inches but it can still be smaller.
2. Concentric Scale Type
Concentric scales are used in all types of instruments. In instruments with more substance, the length of the scale is usually around 25 inches. The length of the scale is less in a simple dial-type pressure gauge and thermometer. It is around 3 inches across.
3. Linear Scale Type
It is done in instruments of linear scale potation meter and resistance thermometer types. In some instruments, the indicator is similar to the indicator of the strip chart.