Integral and Differential Method of Analysis of Data Rate of Reaction

The general step-wise procedure of analysis of kinetic data by integral and Differential methods is given below.

i). Assume a particular form of rate equation in a constant volume system the equation for the disappearance of A is of the form.

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-rA = -{dCA}/{dt} = K.CA

ii). Rearrange the rate equation to get in the form

-{dCA}/{f(c)} = K. dt

Integral and Differential Method of Analysis of Data Rate of Reaction Note


f(c) only in values concentration of reading materials which may be expressed in terms of CA hence equation may be integrated analytically or graphically to give.

-∫{CAo} ^{CA} {dCA}/{f(cA)} =  K∫_0 ^t dt = Kt

iii). From the experimental concentration versus time data determine the numerical values of the integral of the equation and plot the concentration function i. e. integral of the equation against time as the concentration function is proportional to time the plast yields a straight line.

 ∫_{CAo} ^{CA} {dCA}/{f(cA)}

iv). If the above plot yields a straight line passing through the origin it may be said that the assumed rate equation satisfactorily fits the data to the assumed order of reaction concerning the reactant is the slope of such plot gives us the values of rate constant.

Differential Method of Analysis Data Rate of Reaction

The procedure for analysis of the complete rate equation by the differential method is given below.

i). Hypothesize a mechanism and obtain the rate equation from it assume a rate equation.

- rA = -dCA{dt} = K (f(c)

ii). Plot a graph of concentration V/s time from the data collected by performing the experiment.

iii). Draw a smooth above-through data.

iv). Determine the slope of this curve at suitably selected concentration values these slope dcA/dt are the rate of selected concentration.

Differential Method of Analysis Data Rate of Reaction

v). Evaluate f(c) for each of the selected concentration.

vi). Plot a graph of -(dcA/dt) ie. -rAV/S f(c) if we get a straight line passing through the origin then the rate equation is consistent with the data.


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