Preparation of 0.02 MÂ Potassium Permanganate
Dissolve 3.2 gm of potassium permanganate in 1000 ml water, heat on the water bath, allow stand for 2 days and filter through glass wool.Â
How do you Make 0.1M. and 0.001M Sodium Thiosulphate
Standardization of 0.02 MÂ Potassium Permanganate
To 25 ml of this solution in a glass stoppered flask add 2 gm of potassium iodide, followed by 10 ml of 1M sulphuric acid. Titrate the liberated iodine with 0.1 M sodium thiosulphate using 3 ml of starch solution, added towards the end of the titration, as the indicator. Perform the blank determination and any necessary corrections.
Each 1 ml of 0.1M sodium thiosulphate is equivalent to 0.00316 gm of KMnO4.
           Molarity =  ----------------------
                                       V1                                      Â
                        Where            M2 = molarity of 0.1M sodium thiosulphate solution.   Â
                                                V2 = volume of 0.1 M sodium thiosulphate consumed in
                                                            ml   Â
                                                V1 = volume of 0.1 M potassium permanganate taken in ml.
1) The accuracy of the solution should be within ± 10% of the theoretical concentration.
2) RSD* of the triplicate results of standardization / re-standardization should not be more Â
            than 0.2 %.