Types of Corrosion of Irons

Apart from the mechanical properties of materials stated so far, another important property is corrosion resistance. All metals are thermodynamically unstable and tend to react with their environment to produce compounds such as oxides or carbonates. This reaction involves the movement of electrons and is called an electrochemical reaction.

Types of Corrosions

Uniform Corrosion

This is the most common form of corrosion, characterized by chemical or electrochemical reaction that proceeds evenly and uniformly over the entire exposed area. It is indicated by the general wasting of the surface. The corrosive product may either form a protective layer on the metal or, in the case of a direct chemical attack, the corroded material will dissolve in the corrosive environment. This type of corrosion can be prevented or reduced by (i) Coating (ii) Inhibitors (iii) Cathodic protection.

Galvanic corrosion

This occurs when two dissimilar metals are placed in contact. The less resistant metal becomes anodic and the more resistant metal cathodic. Usually, the corrosion of cathodic metal is nil or very little in this type of couple. For example, in heat exchangers with copper tubes and cast iron or steel, tube sheets, if galvanic corrosion occurs, it accelerates attack on heavy tube sheets instead of thin copper tubes.

  1. Select the combination of metals as close together as possible in the galvanic series.
  2. Avoid the unfavourable area effect of a small anode and a large cathode.
  3. Insulate dissimilar metals whenever possible.
  4. Apply coating with caution.
  5. Add inhibitors, if possible, to decrease the aggressiveness of the environment.
  6. Avoid threaded joints for materials far apart in the galvanic series.
  7. Design a system for ease of replacement of anodic material. Also, one can have a thicker anode.
  8. Provide for cathodic protection.

Types of Corrosion of Irons

Crevice Corrosion

This is intense localized corrosion that occurs within crevices and other shielded areas on metal surfaces exposed to corrosives. This type of attack is usually associated with small volumes of stagnant solution caused by holes, gasket surfaces, lap joints, surface deposits and crevices under bolt and rivet heads. Stainless steels are particularly susceptible to erevice attack.

Pitting Corrosion

This occurs between surfaces that are in close contact. It is extremely localized and occurs due to the presence of impurities rough spots and scratches. Pitting seldom occurs with extreme suddenness. It occurs due to stagnant conditions, which implies that in equipment where a conditions flow of liquid is present often exhibits reduced pitting. Adding inhibitors to metals helps reduce pitting.

Intergranular corrosion

This consists of a localized attack or an intercrystallite cracking along the grain boundaries of the metal. It is caused by impurities at the grain boundaries enrichment of one of the alloying elements or a depletion of one of these elements in the grain-boundary areas.

Selective leaching

In this type of corrosion, one element of a metal or alloy is singled out for attack. The common types are dezincification, dealuminations and graphite erosion. For example, if copper zinc alloys containing less than 85% copper are exposed to wet conditions this type of corrosion occurs for redeposited copper has little mechanical strength.

Stress corrosion

This corrosion is the result of internal or external stresses and a corrosive environment. It manifests itself in the form of cracks and it is therefore often known as stress corrosion cracking. Many metals and some plastics suffer from this effect. With plastics, it is called environmental cracking. The important variables affecting stress corrosion cracking are temperature, solution composition, metal composition structure and stress.

Fatigue Corrosion

As in the case of stress corrosion where static stresses are linked up corrosion in this type of corrosion cyclic load combine with corrosion to cause corrosion fatigue. Usually, fatigue failures occur at stress levels below yield point and after many cyclic applications of this stress.

Erosion Corrosion

This is caused by to combination of corrosive fluid and mechanical wear resulting from the impingement of liquid or abrasion of solid particles. This effect is mainly dependent on the liquid velocity and on account of the contained air solids or any factors that affect the rate of formation of protective films. This process removes layers from the surface of the metal as dissolved ions form from the metal surface.

Gravitation Corrosion

This is a special form of corrosion that occurs due to the repeated collapse of vapour bubbles on a metal surface. This causes mild physical damage to the protective films, severe deformation and fracture of the surface. Cavitation occurs in equipment where a high-velocity liquid flows and pressure changes are encountered such as pump impellers, resulting in vapour bubbles.

Fretting Corrosion

This occurs at the contact areas between materials under load subjected to vibration and slip. It appears as pits or grooves in the metal surrounded by corrosion products. Fretting is also called friction oxidation or wear oxidation.

This type of corrosion can be minimized by lubricating contact areas or by increasing the hardness of one or both of the contacting materials.

Hydrogen Damage

This refers to the mechanical damage of metal caused by the presence of or by the interaction with hydrogen. This can be in the form of hydrogen embrittlement decarburization or hydrogen attack.


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